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推荐——泰粉制作的Wanida MV (附英文版歌词)

热度 8已有 7027 次阅读2010-9-13 18:35 |


I think of love as a connection

I think that true love must pass through time.

As more time passes by

The value of love grows

What I knew, what I dreamt of.

Love that I once understood.

I wasn’t thinking or dreaming when you entered my life

It’s like my perception saw no one else

It stopped just when we made eye contact.

And in that second.

The whole world stopped moving

The sky brightened up

It’s as if I stopped breathing in this moment

My entire heart slipped away as soon as we made eye contact.

You stopped time Just so we can meet each other today.

Just meeting with you

I just understood that love is like this.

I just understood it when I was able to experience it for myself

A fraction of minute can be special

Changed my world

I just realized it now that love doesn’t require time

It’s as if I stopped breathing in this moment

My entire heart slipped away as soon as we made eye contact.

You stopped time Just so we can meet each other today.

Just meeting with you

I fell in love with you

I love you

It’s as if I stopped breathing in this moment

When I met you, the love that I once understand has changed.

I don’t need to spend time just having met each other today.

Being able to meet you…

I fell in love with you

I love you

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发表评论 评论 (7 个评论)

回复 叫阿诺泰的小鱼 2010-9-14 23:36
回复 豆豆007 2010-9-15 01:23
叫阿诺泰的小鱼: 精彩
回复 叫阿诺泰的小鱼 2010-9-15 08:45
豆豆007: 喜欢不?
回复 豆豆007 2010-9-15 11:51
叫阿诺泰的小鱼: 哈哈,很不错,尤其是那泰语歌,很有味道
回复 小红帽80 2010-9-15 12:49
回复 钻石 2010-9-15 23:29
回复 网球 2010-9-16 13:25

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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