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已有 5355 次阅读2009-5-26 22:03 |


1.      2001 Kubrick, Stanley 1968(《漫游太空2001,库布利克》)
2. Accattone Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1961(
3. Babette's Feast Axel, Gabriel 1987
4. Battleship Potemkin, The Eisenstein, Sergei 1925
5. Bicycle Thieves, The De Sica, Vittorio 1949
6. Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Scott, Ridley 1991
7. Blue Velvet Lynch, David 1986
8. Chronicle of a Summer Rouch, Jean 1960
9. Clockwork Orange Kubrick, Stanley 1971
10. Crash Cronenberg, David 1996

2.       11. Draughtsman's Contract, The Greenaway, Peter 1982(《画师的合约》,格林纳威)
12. Dreamlife of Angels, The Zonca, Erick 1998
13. Early Works Richter, Hans 192?
14. Eraserhead Lynch, David 1977
15. Fifth Element, The Besson, Luc 1997
16. Film before Film Nekes, Werner 1986
17. Gattaca Niccol, Andrew 1997
18. Big Day, The Tati, Jacques 1947
19. Jules et Jim Truffaut, Francois 1962
20. Beauty and the Beast Cocteau, Jean 1946

3.       21. Hate Kassoritz, Mathieu 1995(《仇恨/怒火青春》,卡索维茨)
22. Pier, The Marker, Chris 1962
23. Man with a Movie Camera Vertov, Dziga 1929
24. Mr Hulot's Holiday Tati, Jacques 1952
25. Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The Wiene, Robert 1919
26. Nuts in May Leigh, Mike 1976
27. October Eisenstein, Sergei 1927
28. Paris, Texas Wenders, Wim 1984
29. Pillow Book, The Greenaway, Peter 1995
30. Stalker Tarkovsky, Andrey 1979

31.Tampopo Itami, Juzo 1986
32. Tati Shorts Tati, Jacques 1930-67
33. Tokyo Story Ozu, Yasuijiro 1953
34. Wings of Desire Wenders, Wim 1987
35. Birth of a Nation, The Griffith, D.W. 1915
36. Theorem Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1968
37. Rome, Open City Rossellini, Roberto 1945
38. Visions of Light Glassman, Arnold 1992
39. Night in Casablanca, A Mayo, Archie 1946
40. Rashomon Kurosawa, Akiro 1950

4.       41. Blow Up Antonioni, Michaelangelo 1966(《放大》,安东尼奥尼)
42. Mrs Dalloway Gorris, Marleen 1997
43. Orlando Potter, Sally 1992
44. Colour of Pomegranates, The/Legend of the Suram Fortress, The Paradjanov, Sergo 1969
45. Sunset Boulevard Wilder, Billy 1950
46. Citizen Kane Welles, Orson 1941
47. Blood of a Poet, The Cocteau, Jean 1930
48. Crimes and Misdemeanors Allen, Woody 1989
49. Apocalypse Now Coppola, Francis Ford 1979
50. Intimate Lighting Passer, Ivan 1965

51. Third Man, The Reed, Carol 1949
52. Fellini's Roma Fellini, Frederico 1972
53. It's A Wonderful Life Capra, Frank 1946
54. Edward Scissorhands Burton, Tim 1993
55. Elephant Man, The Lynch, David 1980
56. Performance Roeg, Nic and Cammell, Donald 1970
57. Flash, The Iscove, Robert 1990
58. Apartment, The Wilder, Billy 1960
59. Silences of the Palaces, The Tlatli, Moufida 1996
60. Rope Hitchcock, Alfred 1948

5.       61. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Speilberg, Steven 1977(《第三类接触》,斯皮尔博格)
62. Short Cuts Altman, Robert 1993
63. 8 1/2 Fellini, Federico 1968
64. Mirror Tarkovsky, Andrei 1974
65. Lola Demy, Jacques 1960
66. Red Shoes, The Powell, Michael 1948
67. Gormanghast: Episode 1 Wilson, Andy 2000
68. M Lang, Fritz 19***
69. Gormanghast: Episode 2 Wilson, Andy 2000
70. Enigma of Kasper Hauser, The Herzog, Werner 1974

71. Dark City Proyas, Alex 1998
72. Gormanghast: Episode 3 Wilson, Andy 2000
73. L'Atalante Vigo, Jean 1934
74. Conformist, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 1970
75. Rear Window Hitchcock, Alfred 1954
76. Kino-Eye Vertov, Dziga 1924
77. A Nous La Liberte Clair, Rene 19***
78. Alphaville Godard, Jean-Luc 1965
79. Fat City Huston, John 1971
80. Under the Roofs of Paris Clair, Rene 1930

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回复 红大狼 2009-5-27 14:18
回复 凉菜 2009-5-27 22:25
回复 凉菜 2009-5-27 22:25
caicj919: 等亲看完,推荐几部经典,感受深刻的!

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